Chiapas - 2010
The Acropolis
Stela II

On the same level as Stela III and several feet to the left is Stela II.  Stela II features 2 women, the ruler’s mother and wife.  I cannot recall feeling anything from this stela.

According to the INAH Plaque accompanying this stela, Stela II depicts the ruler Chaan Muan II with 2 women, his Mother to the front and his wife Lady Rabbit (sister of Yaxchilan’s ruler, Shield Jaguar II) behind him.  The scene focuses on the ritual of self-sacrifice.  Each person is holding objects used in such rituals, including a devilfish stinger and an inward folded cloth or paper platters for receiving the drops of blood which are later incinerated in honor of their Deities.  Lady Rabbit’s presence indicates a marital alliance with Yaxchilan and mirrors the close ties between both ruling groups.

Stela II in the Acropolis at Bonampak