Chiapas - 2005
The Acropolis
Stela III

After walking up the first flight of steps on the left side of the Acropolis, right next to Edifice III (Roman numeral “3”), is Stela III (“3”).  Stela III is another powerful, impressive stela, like Stela I (“1”).  I felt that this stela also had a presence and a strong energy.

According to the INAH Plaque accompanying this stela, Stela III depicts the ruler Chaan Muan II with a prisoner (a kneeling figure with paper ears, which signifies captivity) and touching as a sign of submission.

According to MAYAS and ZOCQUES Southeastern Mexico: Chiapas, ISBN 798-970-678-031-7, Page 13, (Roberto Garcia Moll author), the stela contains a glyph corresponding to 778 and 787 A.D., and an emblem glyph for Bonampak.

The front of Stela III in the Acropolis at Bonampak