Chiapas - 2005
The Grand Plaza
Stela I
Stela I, with Edifice XV in the background, in the Grand Plaza

Stela I sits in the middle of the Grand Plaza.  It is tall and imposing and has a presence.

According to the INAH Plaque accompanying this Stela, Stela I (“1”) represents the ruler Chaan Muan II at the height of his reign.  His importance is expressed in the way that he is portrayed and the difficulty of hewing a monument of this size from a thin stone slab without its fracturing.  Stela I is almost 20 feet tall, 1 of the tallest stela in the Mayan world.  Chaan Muan II is standing with a ceremonial staff in his hand, while the left carving if his gaze set with a penetrating focus.  Chaan Muan II stands upon an earth monster.  2 faces of the young corn god emerge from the middle of the earth monster.  Hieroglyphics on a band under Chaan Muan II’s feet refer to his genealogy, while below on another side band is Bonampak’s emblem glyph.

Stela I, with Edifice XIII in the background, in the Grand Plaza at Bonampak