Chiapas - 2010
Map of YaxchilanCHIAPAS-YAXCHILAN-Map-2010.htmlshapeimage_3_link_0
The front of Edifice XXXIII in the Grand Acropolis at Yaxchilan

After visiting Palenque, we next journeyed to Yaxchilan.  The weather was cloudy and overcast, giving Yaxchilan a dark moody feeling.  I felt a darkness and lack of joy that I did not feel at Palenque and my 2005 visit to Yaxchilan.  The whole time at the site I expected rain to start falling from the sky.  I became aware of how much the weather impacts my feelings and experiences at a Sacred Site.  I want to return to Yaxchilan and experience it again in sunny weather.  Maybe in 2012...

Click on the link below for my photos of Yaxchilan.  For more photos, please see my photos from my 2005 trip to Yaxchilan.