Yucatan - February 2009
Grand Acropolis
Temple XVI
Stela LXXV

Like most of the stela at Calakmul, Stela LXXV (Roman numeral “75”) was worn down and eroded.  I did not feel anything from Stela LXXV.

According to the INAH Plaque accompanying this stela, Stela LXXV is dated, during Yukom the Great’s reign.  Another date on the stela may be 8 Kaban 5 Yax, which would correspond with Yukom the Great’s birth in (September 11, 600 A.D.).  Stela CXV (115) of Calakmul suggests that Yukom the Great was ruler of Calakmul until his death in 686 A.D.  He was a 5 K’atun Ahau, meaning he was 86 years old when he died.

Stela LXXV in front of Temple XVI