Yucatan - December 2007
Chichen Itza
Temple of the Sculpted Tablets

After the Observatory comes some bath houses and the Temple of the Sculpted Tablets.  This temple was interesting because of the carved images on the stone composing the north and south side walls of the temple.  I did not feel much of anything from this temple.

According to the INAH Plaque accompanying this temple, archaeologists named this temple based on the reliefs that the Mayans carved on the north and south walls of the colonnade.  These reliefs depict scenes of numerous people, plants, and animals, both real and imaginary, which 2 warriors dominate.  The structure is composed of a temple erected on a slab foundation with a colonnade in front.  Archaeologists discovered offerings in the temple which indicate the celebration of fire-related rituals.

The left front of the Temple of the Sculpted Tablets at Chichen Itza