Yucatan - December 2007
The Arch

After visiting the Courtyard, we walked over to the Arch.  Across the highway from the main site is the Arch.  The Arch seems to mute sounds when you are in it; a really weird experience!  The Arch sits on a Saq Be which used to run all of the way to Uxmal.

According to the INAH Plaque accompanying this arch, the Mayans built this Arch in the Early Puuc Architectural Style.  The Arch serves as a symbolic marker for the Sacbe (causeway) leading to Uxmal.  Based upon the architectural style, archaeologists suspect that the Mayans built the Arch and Sacbe between 670 and 770 A.D.  The arch’s outer decoration is simple with plain walls and small horizontal moldings which emphasize the arch’s importance.  The Arch’s inner masonry vlocks still show red-colored hand prints.  Together with the Grand Pyramid located to the east, the Arch and Grand Pyramid formed the focal point of the city’s ceremonial life.

The south side of the Arch at Kabah
The north side of the Arch